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Comparison of Different Techniques to Induce rapid Hypertrophy

Ricardo Robles-Campos
Department / Institution: 
University General Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain
Date Project Approved: 
Saturday, 19 July, 2014
Project Status: 
Application / Abstract: 
We have recently published our modified ALPPS technique in the British Journal of Surgery (“Tourniquet modification of the associating liver partition and portal ligation for staged hepatectomy procedure”; Br J Surg, 2014 Jun 19. doi: 10.1002/bjs.9547). In this paper we present a modification of the ALPPS technique, called ALTPS (Associating Liver Tourniquet and Portal Ligation for Staged hepatectomy). We think that our technique may have some advantages over classical ALPPS (CALPPS), especially related to a less surgical aggressiveness in the first stage. Until now we have performed 36 cases of ALTPS and we published the first 22 patients. We are introducing our data in the ALPPS registry (19 cases introduced until now). In addition to our ALPPS modification, there are other ways to perform the ALPPS technique, and that we think it is the moment to carry out a study to compare the difference way to perform the ALPPS technique (CALPPS, ALTPS, radiofrequency-ALPPS- RALPPS, partial ALPPS - PALPPS ).
Comparative study between the fours different methods to perform ALPPS technique.


University Hospital Zurich
Department of Surgery
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich, Switzerland


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